Antonio López - Master of Spanish realism

  • Antonio López - Master of Spanish realism

    By Floor van Heuvel, Albert Mercadé, Toine Moerbeek

    Artist Antonio López (b. 1936) is a true phenomenon in Spain, the country of his birth, where he is hailed as the ‘greatest living realist artist’. His work is diverse. The Master of Spanish Realism not only chooses a whole range of subjects for his paintings, drawings and sculptures, he also uses a range of materials.

    López’s artistic practice is characterised by an extremely detailed procedure. To him, the painting process is a way of exploring the world. López manages to flawlessly depict reality by measuring everything meticulously and always remaining in proximity to his subject. His work is never cold or distant, however.

    and Dutch
    144 pages
    24 x 30 cm
    Luxury paperback
    ENG ISBN 9789462625372
    NL ISBN 9789462625204 bestel
    € 27,50

    January 27 through June 2, Drents Museum, Assen

  • Article number: 240105
  • 27,50

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